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Understanding the Cost of Running Your Air Conditioning Unit: Tips to Help You Save Money

While air conditioners are necessary to stay cool during the sweltering summer, they can also be a significant factor in high electricity costs. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies to lower your air conditioner’s energy usage and keep your house cool without going over budget.

Thermostat Use

Increased thermostat temperature is one of the best ways to lower the amount of electricity used by an air conditioner. Try raising your thermostat to a more comfortable 25 degrees rather than the chilly 16 degrees. This can significantly reduce your energy usage, especially if you spend a lot of time away from home.

Smart Thermostats

Making use of a smart thermostat is an additional technique to cut back on energy use. With the help of these gadgets, you can set up a timetable for your air conditioner to only turn on when you need it. If you frequently change your schedule or are away from home throughout the day, this can be extremely helpful. Read more about smart home controls in our previous blog post.

Regular Maintenance

Also crucial is cleaning your air conditioner. Filters and coils are susceptible to dust and debris accumulation, which lowers the unit’s efficiency and raises energy usage. Regular maintenance appointments can keep your air conditioner operating at its best. Replacing a blocked-up filter with a clean one can lower energy consumption by 5-15%.

Outdoor Unit Clearance

Clearing obstructions from outdoor air conditioning units can help reduce running costs. If your air conditioner is installed close to a fence or an obstruction, the unit’s performance can be reduced by up to 50%. The hotter the day, the worst this affects the units performance. An air deflector can help overcome this. Keeping your unit clear or trees, shrubs and rubbish will aslo help. Find out more about air deflectors on our post about outdoor airflow issues.

Preventing Heat Ingress

Stopping the house from heating up in the first place can reduce the amount of work your air conditioner does and therefore the amount of money it costs to run. There are several ways to stop heat ingress in a home, including:

  • Insulating the walls, attic, and floors to keep the heat out.
  • Installing window coverings, such as blinds or curtains, to block the sun’s rays.
  • Planting trees or installing shading devices outside windows to block the sun.
  • Sealing air leaks around doors and windows to prevent hot air from entering the home.
  • Using a cool roofing material to reflect the sun’s rays away from the home.
  • Using a reflective paint on exterior walls to reflect the sun’s rays away from the home.

Replacing Old Units

In the long run, switching to a newer, more energy-efficient air conditioner can assist reduce energy use and save money on power bills. The Energy Rating label is a useful tool for determining which models are the most energy-efficient. In many instances, replacing an outdated unit is more economical than installing a completely new system. Modern technology allows for more efficient design in newer air conditioners, such as inverter compressors and smart WiFi controls which can help lower energy costs.

In a Nutshell

  • Turn up the temperature on your thermostat to reduce energy consumption
  • Use a smart thermostat to program a schedule for your air conditioner
  • Clean your air conditioner and schedule regular maintenance to keep it running at peak performance
  • Avoid direct sunlight by closing curtains or blinds, insulate your home and avoid setting the temperature too low
  • Turn off the air conditioner when you’re not at home to save energy consumption.

In conclusion, there are a number of techniques to lower the energy usage of your air conditioner. You can keep your home cool and cosy without spending a fortune if you turn up the temperature, use a smart thermostat, clean your air conditioner.

Need Help?

T&K Airpower has been working to keep homes and businesses comfortable and efficient for over 25 years. Is your air conditioner not working correctly? Not sure when you air con was last serviced? Give us a call, and we will be more than happy to help.