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Understanding and Preventing Sick Building Syndrome: The Importance of Proper Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality in buildings is often the root cause of the ailment known as “sick building syndrome” (SBS). From headaches and exhaustion to respiratory issues and allergies, it can result in a wide range of symptoms. Sometimes it can even trigger more severe health issues like Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma.

What Causes Sick building syndrome (SBS)?

Due to the complexity of interior environments, SBS has a variety of causes that are frequently hard to identify. Insufficient ventilation, off-gassing from carpet or furniture, microbial contamination from moisture buildup in walls or ceilings, chemical pollutants such volatile organic compounds, and mould growth are a few typical causes.

The building’s environment, particularly the HVAC system, should be properly maintained in order to reduce the risk of SBS. Any potential issues that can result in poor indoor air quality can be found with regular inspections of the HVAC system.

How to help or prevent Sick building syndrome (SBS)?

Maintaining the building’s cleanliness and preventing moisture buildup or mould growth is also crucial. There are some actions you may take to lessen your exposure and enhance your general health if you are already displaying symptoms associated with SBS.

One method of lowering the amount of pollutants indoors is to increase the circulation of fresh air in the space; in this regard, opening windows or employing a fan can be highly beneficial. It’s crucial to employ cleaning agents that won’t introduce more pollutants into the environment, such VOCs, in addition to eliminating the sources of contamination.

Last but not least, it’s critical to get in touch with a specialist, such as an indoor air quality specialist or environmental engineer, if you think your building may be contributing to SBS symptoms in order for them to assess the environment and find any potential sources of pollution. By taking these precautions, you can assure that any harmful effects caused by sick building syndrome won’t affect your health.

In a Nutshell

  • Poor indoor air quality in buildings is the root cause of “sick building syndrome” (SBS).
  • SBS can result in a wide range of symptoms, from headaches and exhaustion to respiratory issues and allergies.
  • Causes of SBS can be hard to identify and can include insufficient ventilation, off-gassing from carpet or furniture, microbial contamination, chemical pollutants and mould growth.
  • To reduce the risk of SBS, the building’s environment and HVAC system should be properly maintained.
  • If symptoms are already present, actions such as increasing fresh air circulation, using non-polluting cleaning agents, and consulting a specialist can help to reduce exposure and improve overall health.

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T&K Airpower has been working to keep businesses comfortable and efficient for over 25 years. Is your air conditioner not working? not sure when you air con was last serviced? Give us a call, and we will be more than happy to help.